A recent decision of the Fair Work Commission (FWC) has raised serious questions regarding how leave should be calculated.
In short, the Full Bench of the FWC decided that a shift workers leave should be calculated based on the hours worked in a shift and not based on standardised hours of 7.6 per day.
For example, an employee that works a 10 hour shift full time, would receive 10 days of 10 hours equaling 100 hours vs. 10 days of 7.6 hours equaling 76 hours.
With fears of claims for back pay of sick leave entitlements, employers should watch this space carefully for clarification and confirmation coming from the Court.
Not sure what to do, or are worried how this change may affect your business, then contact Adam Foster, Head of Workplace Relations on (03) 9629 9629 or adamf@lewisholdway.com.au
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