As the New Year starts, it is timely reminder to review your Employment Agreements. In recently reviewing an Employment Agreement for a client I was reminded that it is important to always ensure that where casual employees are involved, there is clarity with respect to what their entitlements are in terms of leave, loading and other matters. At the same time it is also important to check whether a Modern Award is applicable, because the employee as a casual staff member may be affected differently then under the National Employment Standards, such as an entitlement to more or less pay per hour or more or less notice in the case of termination.
If you would like further information about whether your Employee Agreements are compliant with the relevant Award, or would like further information about reviewing Employment Agreements, or casual employees, please email Chris Morey (Director, Business Law) or Adam Foster (Lawyer, Business Law), or call us on (03) 9629 9629.
Adam Foster
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